The Monitoring Tool
The African Union Strategy on Combating Illegal Exploitation and Illegal Trade in Wild Fauna and Flora in Africa (AU Strategy) involves Seven Strategic Areas of Intervention, all of which include major areas of activity and activity indicators. This Monitoring Tool is designed to help monitor and evaluate the implementation of the AU Strategy according to these strategic areas. Information from this Monitoring Tool can complement document reviews, key informant interviews and other data reviews in support of an overall implementation evaluation of all Strategic Areas of the AU Strategy. Here, wildlife refers to both wild fauna and flora in Africa and "IWT" to illegal trade in both wild fauna and flora.
Why the information is being collected
The information is being collected to take stock of the implementation of the AU Wildlife Strategy. The data collected will be used by the Commission to prepare a status report that highlights success, progress, challenges and gaps. This will enable the Commission to make more strategic interventions in its support to countries and regions
What the data is going to be used for
How is data going to be shared